families and dog pigs | 3

Norman Speak!

by Caroline Anderson & Qin Leng
“We went to the animal shelter”

Quite wordy of a story and there wasn’t much conflict in a traditional sense, but there was still a problem, was enjoyable. I like what the story is attempting to say or the intended message on perception and judging things before we can understand as well as the love and things we do for love; but I felt at times it needed just a little big extra to keep attention. The art work is absolutely fantastic, really enjoyed each page and the style/textures of the drawings/paintings.

Phrase that stood out: “His wage was a hula dance of happiness”

Black is Brown is Tan

by Arnold Adoff, pictures by Emily Arnold McCully
“Black is brown is tan.”

First thing I noticed is the book was from 1973, so it was very interesting to see what things felt similar to books now as well as the major changes that a book had back then. The way this book is written and flows is very unique, I would say it is unique even for older books from its time period. I liked its choppiness and unique ways to give the reader story. I did further research for this book and this book is apparently the first children’s book to feature a mixed race family. In this I really felt the story’s lack of major conflict itself was nice and depicted a family like any other with its quirks and intricacies. Lovely read, especially the lyrical text with nice art to go along.

Words/Phrases that stood out: Pinch. “Plays the frying pan.”

Lucky Jake

by Sharon hart Addy, pictures by Wade Zahares
“Jake stood next to pa, ankle deep in the cold water of Crystal Creek.”

I enjoyed the variations and movements of the illustrations. The story was ok. Some situations didn’t seem dire enough for the setup of the textual repetition in “that sure was lucky.” The message is a good one of preparing and keeping positive thoughts when things are not as planned as well as finding the joy in the situation.

Words/Phrases that stood out: Sauntered. “Jake named the pig Dog.”

It’s Time to Sleep, It’s Time to Dream

by David A Adler, pictures by Kay Charao
“It’s late.”

Enjoy the whimsy of this story and the simplicity of it, but am curious what a version of this story looks like with a bit of plot injected into the drifting off to sleep. Gave me similar vibes to “Kapita Plains”. Nothing major in this book, feels like the equivalent of being a passenger on a long car ride in making you sleepy, which I feel is the purpose of this story, to get the young one to sleep as quickly as possible.

Words that stood out: Castles, Maple, Acorns, Nighthawks, Chipmunks, Turtles, Toads

All of baby nose to toes

by Victoria Adler, pictures by Hiroe Nakata
“Baby’s got eyes.”

Great learning book, as well as showcasing a parents love. I enjoyed the freedom of the artist’s touch and back and fourth of things that were more ‘complete’ and things that were ‘abstract’. Nice dynamic of words with illustrations and how the words themselves become very rhythmic and lyrical, very song like. A sweet book that seems like a good gift for new parents.

Words/Phrases that stood out: “Good enough to eat baby. Sweep me off my feet baby. I love you.”
