
For Curious People Only!

Ah hello! Looks like you were curious and wandering my website. I’d love to share more about me that isn’t art. I was in math club and always had a big interest in science. Unfortunately, those two subjects weren’t taught at the art school I went to. But art history swiftly filled the void. When I need a break from my studio practice, I love traveling with my wife and camping. We go to small, unmarked sites, state parks, and my favorite national parks. You must visit the Indiana Dunes, a hidden gem! I also really love caves and climbing and being out in nature wherever it takes me. When I need a night in, I am spending it playing board games with friends and family. I also get crushed in Guitar Hero.

Other things I enjoy are word puzzles and feeling like a detective. I enjoy building things with my hands out of materials that won’t last. I spent a few years making signs and buildings from cardboard and foam insulation. I have a guilty pleasure: I enjoy watching Survivor and Big Brother. We have even been sneaking in views of the Bachelor series.

I also enjoy bird watching. I like mechanical watch making and learning about geology from an enthusiastic friend.

Thank you for stopping by,


Oh! How could I forget, we also are parents to two lovely pets, a dog and a cat!